Apply for the ASC Board of Directors in 2023-24!
Apply by 5pm ET on Friday, May 19
America’s Service Commissions (ASC), the national association of the 52 governor-appointed state and territorial service commissions, is currently seeking six (6) new Board members for the 2023-2024 Board of Directors. Applications from all regions will be reviewed, but priority will be given to applicants from states not already represented on the Board. Applicants may come from any of the following categories:
- Commissioners
- Youth Commissioners
- Commission Staff Members
- At-Large
As a membership organization, ASC advances service and volunteerism in the states and territories through a national network of state service commissions representative of all streams of national and community service. The ASC Board of Directors provides oversight and counsel on planning and policy development, financial oversight, and resource development, as well as associated member services. You can read more about Board member expectations and application materials in our application overview document.
Skills and Interests Although general interest and support of the work of state service commissions is the primary criteria for selection of Board members, ASC also seeks Board members who demonstrate the following skills and interests:
- Communications — expertise in developing and executing social media and other communications strategies
- Grants Management — expertise in federal grants management
- Finance/Administration — experience in budgeting, accounting, and financial management
- Legal — legal experience, particularly federal regulatory issues
- Public Policy — experience and skills in developing strategy to secure public resources in support of national service programming and mobilizing others to do so
- Resource Development — demonstrated experience in fundraising, including event planning and/or success securing private grants in support of associations
Selection Process for Prospective New Board Members Individuals interested in Board membership must submit completed application materials no later than 5pm ET on Friday, May 19, 2023.
All candidates will be notified of the status of their application no later than Friday, June 30.
Serving on the ASC Board is an excellent way to build your professional network and shape the future of the association! Please share this information with anyone in our field who might be a good fit. If you have questions regarding Board membership or the application process, please contact ASC CEO Kaira Esgate.
About America's Service Commissions America's Service Commissions is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing and promoting the 52 state service commissions across the United States and territories with the mission to lead and elevate the state service network. State service commissions are governor-appointed public agencies or nonprofit organizations made up of more than 1,000 commissioners, private citizens leading the nation's service movement and administering more than 75 percent of the federal AmeriCorps funds to address pressing community needs. Learn more on our website.